


Publicaciones Científicas

PRICAI es un laboratorio con actividad asistencial y de investigación. Sus profesionales son autores de múltiples trabajos de investigación realizados en nuestro laboratorio y también en colaboración con instituciones y sociedades científicas de prestigio nacional e internacional. A continuación se incluye una lista de las publicaciones y presentaciones científicas más relevantes de los últimos años.

Publicaciones y presentaciones en congresos producidas en PRICAI.

• Köksal Z, Burgos G, Carvalho E, Loiola S, Parolin ML, Quiroz A, Ribeiro Dos Santos Â, Toscanini U, Vullo C, Børsting C, Gusmão L, Pereira V (2022) Testing the Ion AmpliSeq™ HID Y-SNP Research Panel v1 for performance and resolution in admixed South Americans of haplogroup Q.Forensic Sci Int Genet 59:102708. doi: 10.1016/j.fsigen.2022.102708

• Vullo CM, Catelli L, Ibarra Rodriguez AA, Papaioannou A, Merino JCÁ, Lopez-Parra AM, Gaviria A, Baeza-Richer C, Romanini C, González-Moya E, Casals F, Calafell F, Berardi G, Iannacone GC, Vicuña Giraldo GC, Zorba GK, Boschi I, Olarte JV, Ruiz Gomez JE, Acierno JP, Soto ML, Miranda MV, García King MD, Marrucci MA, Porto MJ, Piñero MH, Aler M, Stephenson Ojea MM, Navarrete SC, Toscanini U, Saragoni VG, Bozzo W, Posada Posada YC, Bajunovic Z, Solla LP, Parsons T. (2021) Second GHEP-ISFG exercise for DVI: «DNA-led» victims’ identification in a simulated air crash. Forensic Sci Int Genet 53:102527. doi: 10.1016/j.fsigen.2021.102527

• Gomez A, Colombo R, Pontoglio A, Helman L, Kaeser L, Giunta G, Parolin ML, Toscanini U, Cuniberti L (2019) Functional analysis of six uncharacterised mutations in LDLR gene. Atherosclerosis 291:44-51. doi: 10.1016/j.atherosclerosis.2019.10.013

• Parolin ML, Toscanini U, Velázquez I, et al. (2019) Genetic admixture patterns in Argentinian Patagonia. PLoS One14(6):e0214830. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0214830

• Gomez A, Helman L, Costa Varsi A, Giunta G, Toscanini U, Cuniberti L (2018) Estudio genético de hipercolesterolemia familiar en una población hospitalaria de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Rev Argent Cardiol 2018;86.

• Berro M, Palau Nagore V, Rivas MM, Longo P, Foncuberta C, Vitriu A, Remaggi G, Martinez Rolon J, Jaimovich G, Requejo A, Feldman L, Padros K, Rodriguez MB, Shaw B, Larripa I, Belli C, Kusminsky G (2017) Transforming Growth Factor-B1 Functional Polymorphisms in Myeloablative Sibling hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation. Bone Marrow Transplant. 52(5):739-744. doi: 10.1038/bmt.2016.355.

• Martínez G, Borosky A, Corach D, Llull C, Locarno L, Lojo M, Marino M, Miozzo MC, Modesti N, Pacharoni C, Pilili JP, Ramella MI, Sala A, Schaller C, Vullo C, Toscanini U (2017) Investigator® HDplex (Qiagen) reference population database for forensic use in Argentina. Forensic Sci Int Genet. 26:91-95. doi: 10.1016/j.fsigen.2016.10.009

• Pardo-Seco J, Llull C, Berardi G, Gómez A, Andreatta F, Martinón-Torres F, Toscanini U, Salas A (2016) Genomic continuity of Argentinean Mennonites. Sci Rep. 6:36392. doi: 10.1038/srep36392

• Toscanini U, Gusmão L, Álava Narváez MC, e tal. (2016) Analysis of uni and bi-parental markers in mixture samples: Lessons from the 22nd GHEP-ISFG Intercomparison Exercise. Forensic Sci Int Genet. 25:63–72. doi: 10.1016/j.fsigen.2016.07.010

• Toscanini U, Brisighelli F, Moreno F, Pantoja-Astudillo J, Aguirre Morales E, Bustos P, Pardo-Seco J, Salas A (2016) Analysis of Y-chromosome STRs in Chile confirms an extensive introgression of European male lineages in urban populations. Forensic Sci Int Genet. 21:76–80. doi: 10.1016/j.fsigen.2015.12.005

• Toscanini U, Brisighelli F, Moreno F, Pantoja-Astudillo J, Aguirre Morales E, Bustos P, Pardo-Seco J, Salas A (2016) Analysis of Y-chromosome STRs in Chile confirms an extensive introgression of European male lineages in urban populations. Forensic Sci Int Genet. 21:76–80. doi: 10.1016/j.fsigen.2015.12.005

• Toscanini U, Brisighelli F, Llull C, Berardi G, Gómez A, Andreatta F, Pardo-Seco J, Gómez-Carballa A, Martinón-Torres F, Álvarez-Iglesias V, Salas A (2016) Charting the Y-chromosome ancestry of present-day Argentinean Mennonites. J Hum Genet 61:507–13 doi: 10.1038/jhg.2016.3

• Monteverde ML, Chaparro A, Goldberg J, Marcos CY, Padros K, Balbarrey Z, Briones L, Rush D (2015). Donor specific anti-HLA antibodies in pediatric renal transplant recipients with creeping creatinine: prevalence, histological correlations and impact on patient and graft survival. Pediatr Transplant. 19(7):684-90. doi: 10.1111/petr.12556

• Toscanini U, Vullo C, Berardi G, Llull C, Borosky A, Gómez A, Pardo-Seco J, Salas A (2015) A comprehensive Y-STR portrait of Argentinean populations. Forensic Sci. Int. Genet. Article in press, published online: september 08, 2015.

• Toscanini U, Moreno F, Pantoja-Astudillo JA, Salas A (2015) A reference frequency database of 15 autosomal STRs in Chile, Forensic Sci. Int. Genet. 19:35-36

• Borosky A, Toscanini U, Gómez A, Parolin ML, Basso N, Vullo C (2014) Forensic population data for 20 STR loci in Argentina. Forensic Sci. Int. Genet.

• Meier D, Docena GH, Ramisch D, Toscanini U, Berardi G, Gondolesi GE and Rumbo M (2014) Immunological Status of Isolated Lymphoid Follicles After Intestinal Transplantation. American Journal of Transplantation XX: 1–11

• Purps J, Siegert S, Willuweit S, et al. (2014) A global analysis of Y-chromosomal haplotype diversity for 23 STR loci. Forensic Sci Int Genet. doi: 10.1016/j.fsigen.2014.04.008.

• Roewer L, Nothnagel M, Gusmão L, Gomes V, González M, et al. (2013) Continent-Wide Decoupling of Y-Chromosomal Genetic Variation from Language and Geography in Native South Americans. PLoS Genet 9(4): e1003460. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1003460

• Toscanini U, Garcia-Magariños M, Berardi G, et al. (2012) Evaluating Methods to Correct for Population Stratification when Estimating Paternity Indexes. PLoS ONE 7(11): e49832. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0049832

• Toscanini U, Salas A, García-Magariños M, et al. (2010) Population stratification in Argentina strongly influences likelihood ratio estimates in paternity testing as revealed by a simulation-based approach. Int J Legal Med 124:63-9

• Padros K, Rodriguez MB, Vanco O, et al. (2009) Case report. Post-transplant monitoring and correlation with clinical outcome: utility of Luminex methodologies. Abstract. Presented at: ASHI 35rd Annual Meeting November 2009

• Re LS, Petroni J, Rial MC, et al. (2009) CNI-free protocol in renal transplantation: Evaluation of long term post-transplant humoral alloimmune response through protocol biopsies with analyses of C4d deposition and determination of HLA antibodies by Luminex assay. Abstract. Presented at: ASHI 36rd Annual Meeting November 2009

• Padros K, Vanco O, Rodriguez MB, et al. (2009) Utilidad clínica del monitoreo post trasplante renal de los anticuerpos anti HLA específicos de donante. Abstract. Presented at: X Argentinian Transplant Annual Meeting, Santa Fe Argentina, November 2009

• Gusmão L, Sánchez-Diz P, Alves C, et al. (2009) A GEP-ISFG collaborative study on the optimization of an X-STR decaplex: data on 15 Iberian and Latin American populations. Int J Legal Med 123:227-34

• Toscanini U, Gusmão L, Berardi G, Raimondi E (2009) Genetic data of 10 X-STR in two Native American populations of Argentina. Forensic Sci Int:Genetics Supplement Series DOI: 10.1016/j.fsigss.2009.08.170.

• Toscanini U, Berardi G, Gómez A, Raimondi E (2009) X-STRs analysis in paternity testing when the alleged father is related to the biological father. Forensic Sci Int:Genetics Supplement Series DOI: 10.1016/j.fsigss.2009.08.150.

• Toscanini U, Salas A, García-Magariños M, et al. (2009) Population stratification in Argentina strongly influences likelihood ratio estimates in paternity testing as revealed by a simulation-based approach. Int J Legal Med. DOI 10.1007/s00414-009-0359-2.

• Toscanini U, Gusmão L, Berardi G, et al. (2008). Y chromosome microsatellite genetic variation in two Native American populations from Argentina: Population stratification and mutation data. Forensic Science International: Genetics 2:274–280

• Toscanini U, Salas A, Carracedo A, Berardi G, et al. (2008) A simulation-based approach to evaluate population stratification in Argentina. Forensic Sci Int Genet: SS. 1(1):662-663

• Toscanini U, Berardi G, Padros K, et al. (2008) Molecular HLA typing is an invaluable tool in some complex paternity cases. Forensic Sci Int Genet: SS. 1(1):531-532

• Gusmão L, Alves C, Sánchez-Diz P, et al. (2008) Results of the GEP-ISFG collaborative study on an X-STR Decaplex. Forensic Sci Int:Genetics Supplement Series 1(1):677-679

• Padros K, Rodriguez MB, Raimondi E (2007) Haplotype Frequencies for the loci HLA-A,B and DRB1 in Argentina Normal Population, based on family studies. Abstract. Presented at: ASHI 33rd Annual Meeting October 2007

• Padros K, Rodriguez MB, Beittía V, et al. (2007) Determinación de la especificidad de anticuerpos anti-HLA y su utilización en la predicción del resultado del cross-match directo. Abstract. Presented at: IX Argentinian Transplant Annual Meeting, Santa Fe Argentina, November 2007

• Padros K, Rodriguez MB, Beittia V, et al. (2007) First report in Argentina: Single Antigen Bead Assay, prediction of final crossmatch. Abstract. Presented at: ASHI 33rd Annual Meeting October 2007

• Toscanini U, Gusmão L, Berardi G, et al. (2007) Testing for genetic structure in different urban Argentinian populations. Forensic Sci Int. 165:35-40

• Toscanini U, Gusmão L, Berardi G, et al. (2006) Genetic variability of 17 Y chromosome STRs in two Native American populations from Argentina. International Congress Series 1288:154-155.

• Toscanini U, Berardi G, Amorim A, et al. (2006) Forensic considerations on STR databases in Argentina. International Congress Series 1288:337-339.

• Padros K, Rodriguez MB, Raimondi E (2005) Killer Ig-like receptor gene content diversity in Buenos Aires, Argentina Normal Population. Abstract. Presented at: ASHI 31st Annual Meeting. October 2005

• Berardi G, Toscanini U, Raimondi E (2003) STR data for PowerPlex 16 System from Buenos Aires population, Argentina. Forensic Sci Int. 134:222-4.

• Toscanini U, Berardi G, Raimondi E (2003) STR data for PowerPlex 16 System from Neuquen population, SW Argentina. Forensic Sci Int. 134:219-21.

• Gusmão L, Sánchez-Diz P, Alves C, et al. – GEP-ISFG (The Spanish and Portuguese Working Group of the International Society for Forensic Genetics) (2003) Results of the GEP-ISFG collaborative study on the Y chromosome STRs GATA A10, GATA C4, GATA H4, DYS437, DYS438, DYS439, DYS460 and DYS461: population data. Forensic Sci Int. 135:150–157

• Toscanini U, Berardi G, Haas E, Raimondi E (2001) Data analysis of 10 STRs loci in a population in the province of Neuquen, Argentina. Progress in Forensic Genetics 9:239-241

• Berardi G, Toscanini U, Haas E, Raimondi E (2001) Y chromosome haplotypes for 9 STRs in Tobas, amerindians from the north of Argentina. Progress in Forensic Genetics 9:469-471

• Raimondi E, Toscanini U, Haas E (2001) Analysis of paternity index of 164 paternity trios DNA-typed by either 10 STR or 4 RFLP loci. Progress in Forensic Genetics 9:661-663

• Presentación como Poster: Polimorfismo del ADN mitocondrial en una población indígena del noroeste argentino. Toscanini U, Berardi G, Descalzi V, Villamil F, Raimondi E. IX Jornadas de Genética Forense GEP-ISFG, Grupo Español y Portugués-International Society for Forensic Genetics, 02-04 de Junio de 2004, Manaus, Brasil.

• Presentación como Poster: Diferencias en los loci DYS389I y DYS389II producidas por una mutación en el locus DYS389I. Cálculo de la Probabilidad de Paternidad en un caso forense de abuelismo. Toscanini U, Berardi G, Raimondi E. IX Jornadas de Genética Forense GEP-ISFG, Grupo Español y Portugués-International Society for Forensic Genetics, 02-04 de Junio de 2004, Manaus, Brasil.

• M.Silva, F.Cairo, J.Daruich, et al. (2002) Disease Progression in Chronic Hepatitis C Infection: HLA Class I and II Alleles and Different Cytokines Gene Polymorphism in Argentinean Patients. Abstract. Presentado en: 11th Argentine Meetting Surgery; Buenos Aires, Argentina; September, 2002.

• Padros K; Bertolotti, A. M.; Macchia, A.; Presa, C.; Perrone, S.V.; Raimondi, E.H. (2002) Determinación del mismatch del HLA en el transplante cardíaco: predicciones de rechazo y muerte en el seguimiento. Abstract. Presentado en: 11th Argentine Meetting Surgery; Buenos Aires, Argentina; September, 2002.

• Raimondi EH, Favaloro RR, Macchia A, Bertolotti A, Presa C, Perrone SV, Padros K (2002). Abstract. Mismatch HLA en Trasplante Cardiaco: Predictor de Rechazo o Mortalidad. Abstract. XXVI Congreso del Capítulo Latinoamericano, The Internationational Society for Cardiovascular Surgery, XI Encuentro Argentino de Cirujanos Cardiovasculares; Buenos Aires, Argentina; 5-7 septiembre, 2002.

• Raimondi EH, Padros K, Mautner B, Gurfinkel E (2001) Polimorfismo genético de citoquinas en población caucásica con angina inestable tipo IIIb. Abstract. 27th Annual Meeting American Society for Histocompatibility Immunogenetics, San Francisco, California Octubre 2001.

• Gurfinkel E, Padros K, Mautner B, Raimondi E. (2001) Polimorfismo genético de citoquinas y distribución alélica del sistema HLA entre algunos descendientes de europeos en la Argentina con enfermedad coronaria. Abstract. 27th Annual Meeting American Society for Histocompatibility Immunogenetics, San Francisco, California Octubre 2001.

• Presentación como Poster: Analysis of Paternity Index of 164 Paternity Trios DNA-typed by either 10 STR or 4 RFLP loci. Raimondi E, Toscanini U and Haas E. 19th International Congress ISFG (International Society for Forensic Genetics), August 28 – September 1, 2001, Münster, Germany

• Presentación como Poster: Y Chromosome haplotypes for 9 STRs in Tobas, Amerindians from the North of Argentina. G. Berardi, U. Toscanini, E. Haas and E. Raimondi. 19th International Congress ISFG (International Society for Forensic Genetics), August 28 – September 1, 2001, Münster, Germany

• Presentación como Poster: Data analysis of 10 STR loci in a population in the province of Neuquen, Argentina. U. Toscanini, G. Berardi, E. Haas and E. Raimondi. 19th International Congress ISFG (International Society for Forensic Genetics), August 28 – September 1, 2001, Münster, Germany

• Presentación como Poster, seleccionada para presentación oral: Importancia de la denuncia a priori de la cantidad y calidad de sistemas STRs a utilizar en el estudio de casos de filiación. U. Toscanini, G. Berardi, E. Haas, E. Raimondi. VI Jornadas de Genética Forense GEP-ISFG, Grupo Español y Portugués-International Society for Forensic Genetics, 4-7 de Octubre de 2001, Villa Carlos Paz, Córdoba, Argentina

• Presentación como Poster, seleccionada para presentación oral: Empleo de sistemas STRs en el seguimiento del engraftment Post-Trasplante de Médula Ósea. U. Toscanini, J. Martínez Rolón, G. Berardi, E. Haas, G. Milone, E. Raimondi. VI Jornadas de Genética Forense GEP-ISFG, Grupo Español y Portugués-International Society for Forensic Genetics, 4-7 de Octubre de 2001, Villa Carlos Paz, Córdoba, Argentina

• Presentación Oral: Identificación del 100% de las víctimas (62) de una catástrofe aérea por el método del polimorfismo molecular del ADN. Raimondi E, Toscanini U, Sotelo Lago A, Eleta G, Haas E. V Jornadas de Genética Forense GEP-ISFG, Grupo Español y Portugués-International Society for Forensic Genetics (formerly ISFH), Funchal, Madeira, Portugal, 31 de Mayo – 04 de Junio, 2000

• Presentación como Poster: Estudio del polimorfismo del ADN en material biológico recuperado de proyectiles en cuatro casos de homicidios. Raimondi E, Toscanini U, Haas E. IV Jornadas de Genética Forense GEP-ISFH, Grupo Español Portugués-International Society for Forensic Haemogenetics, junio de 1999, La Gomera, España

• Presentación como Poster: Allelic frequency distribution of four STR Loci (FGA, D7S820, D1S533, D9S304) in Argentinian population. Raimondi E, Toscanini U, Haas E. Ninth International Symposium on Human Identification, October 7 – 10, 1998, Orlando, Florida, USA

• Presentación como Poster: Newborn Identification: Analysis of DNA polymorphism in samples taken from newborn and mother at the moment of delivery and when they leave the maternity ward. Raimondi E, Toscanini U, Vidales J, Haas E. III Jornadas de Genética Forense GEP-ISFH, Grupo Español Portugués-International Society for Forensic Haemogenetics, 1 – 3 de junio de 1998, Bilbao, España y 2nd European Symposium on Human Identification, Innsbruck, Austria, june 9-12, 1998

• Presentación como Poster: Allelic frequency distribution of three STR loci (D12S1090, D3S1744, D18S849) in Argentina. Raimondi E, Toscanini U, Haas E. III Jornadas de Genética Forense GEP-ISFH, Grupo Español Portugués-International Society for Forensic Haemogenetics, 1 – 3 de junio de 1998, Bilbao, España y 2nd European Symposium on Human Identification, Innsbruck, Austria, june 9-12, 1998

• Presentación como Poster: Allelic frequency distribution of four RFLP Loci (D12S11, D17S79, D7S467, D4S163) in Argentina. Raimondi E, Toscanini U, Haas E. III Jornadas de Genética Forense GEP-ISFH, Grupo Español Portugués-International Society for Forensic Haemogenetics, 1 – 3 de junio de 1998, Bilbao, España y 2nd European Symposium on Human Identification, Innsbruck, Austria, june 9-12, 1998

• Raimondi E, Padros K, Berardi G, Rush R, Toscanini U, Rodríguez M (1997) HLA-A, HLA-B, HLA-C, DRB1, DRB3 and DRB4 allelic frequency distribution in Argentine normal population. HLA 1997 – Paul I. Terasaki, Ph.D. and David W.Gjertson, Ph.D. Editors–Page 327.

• Gurfinkel,E; Padros,K; Bozovich,G; Berardi,G; Haas,E; Mautner,B, Raimondi E. (1996) Potencial modulación de la respuesta inflamatoria en la angina inestable por el sistema HLA. Abstract. 23rd Argentine Congress of Cardiology; Buenos Aires, Argentina; September 29-October 2, 1996.

• Bozovich,G; Gurfinkel,E; Padrós,K;Rodríguez Diez,MB; Scirica,B; Mautner,B; Raimondi E (1994) El cromosoma 6 y las reacciones inadecuadas inflamatorias en la recurrencia o no de episodios isquémicos. Abstract. 25th Argentine Congress of Cardiology; 14th Rio de la Plata Cardiology Sessions; 8th Argentine Congress of Pediatric Cardiology; Buenos Aires, Argentina; October 21, 1994.

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